Saturday, January 15, 2005

Maxim # 2: ஆறுவது சினம் -- Anger simmers down.

ஆத்திச்சூடி # 2: றுவது சினம்.( AA-ru-va-thu si-nam)

Translation: Anger simmers down.

Extended Translation: Anger must always be simmered down.

Rumination: Have you ever seen a person impervious to anger? Sorry, I haven't yet. Even Scriptures and Vedas are replete with Gods being roused to anger. I love Auvaiyar's pragmatism when she talks about "simmering down" (ஆறுவது) anger, by which she implies subtly that you cannot totally get rid of anger in this earthly life. Anger will die only when I die. Even the Bible exhorts one to refrain from escalating a situation of anger when it says, "Irascimini et nollite peccare" (Never sin when provoked to anger). Anger is akin to an earthquake. It releases too much of an energy, within too short a time that can hardly be harnessed for the good of humanity. Unbridled anger provokes 'aftershocks' too. A good thing about anger is that it is evanescent as an earthquake. It never lasts for long. However, it is within that evanescence that we can wreak the greatest havoc with our unbridled emotions and power to inflict damage on others. Anger intoxicates a human mind that often results in an irreversible and permanent damage. Great men and women have carved their niches in the history of immortality by positively channelizing their anger over their oppressed societies and cultures. Uncontrolled anger has only given rise to terrorists, criminals, and leaders rushing to unjust wars. Therefore, anger by itself is not a vice; uncontrolled anger is. Therefore, Auvaiyar stresses the aspect of simmering down or subsiding down one's own anger. A literal translation of her maxim asserts the innate quality of anger -- Anger simmers down. Anger is capable of subsidence. The extended meaning behind that maxim is that anger must always be simmered down, i.e, one must work hard to douse one's anger. Ergo, a child must be taught the art of letting it go.

Quote: In times of stress and adversity, it is always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive. -- Lee Iacocca, American businessman.

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